Some of that early story love

Some of that early story love

Hi there. 

Are you ready for a story? I like stories; I always have. That's how all this started, actually. I realized one day, while flipping through picture books on the floor of my family room, that some grownups got to tell stories all day with their pictures and with their words. I wanted to be one of those grownups. I still want to be one of those grownups.

Here's another story: my first art set. I begged and begged for one, ready to graduate from markers and crayons to media that the real pros used. That Christmas, Santa delivered. Under the tree was a beautiful blue case filled with acrylic paints and watercolors. All I needed to do was learn how to use them. More begging. More waiting. I decided to take matters into my own hands. I hefted the Yellow Pages out of its drawer and called every gallery and art studio listed in Sacramento asking if they had art lessons for teenagers. One called me back. It was perfect. I fell in love. 

I continued my art education in high school and at Santa Clara University. After a few years of floundering post-graduation, I decided I wanted to teach art as well as learn it. So I went back to SCU in order to get my Masters degree and teaching credential.

I'm done with my formal education, but Iā€™m continuously working on new ideas and techniques, improving when I can and where I can. I paint in the extra room in my apartment, in the corner of my classroom, on the back porch of my parents' house. I paint when I want to, and sometimes when I don't. I paint things that end up how I want them to, and I paint things that end up spectacularly far from my standards. I paint on. The story continues.

An early Hallie McKnight original. I primarily painted dogs.

An early Hallie McKnight original. I primarily painted dogs.


I'm always open to questions, comments, commissions, and conversations.
Email me at hmcknight57@gmail.com.