Sometimes, Art Starts Ugly

I started work on a large commission the other day, and it's ugly. Normally, this would be cause for concern, but sometimes things have to start that way. 

I learned this lesson when I was an undergrad. I would get so frustrated when things didn't look great the first time around (a character flaw that applies to more than just art) that I would want to hide the painting so no one could see what a terrible job I'd done so far. But large canvases covered in wet paint are hard to hide, and I gradually learned that even the worst-looking starts turned out okay if I stuck with them. I wasn't a failure if I didn't produce a masterpiece on my first lap through. (Though I have also learned that a painting, like an unruly toddler, can sometimes benefit from a good time out). 

I have to keep this in mind as I continue on with this commission. It's not an awful start, but I have a long way to go. Stay tuned for my progress! 
